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Too Crowded to Think

As the end of the semester rushed forward, full of assignments, shoots, work and the swirl of home life; my head seemed at times overly crowded. It was that to many selfs banging around inside that I tried to capture in this assignment.  I decided to make it a fine arts project set in the studio. Asked two good friends to come and scream obscenities until they worked themselves into desperation .  Its great therapy I would suggest everyone should try it.  Busch 01 For all photos in both composites I kept the lighting simple and from the side at F22, used a flash sync speed of 200 and low ISO of 100 to retain detail.  Used a theater spotlight to project swirling patterns on the black backdrop. Lastly, my suburb assistants Julia and Kathy added a wee bit of reflection when needed. The camera was mounted  on a tripod to keep the same framing throughout.  This was to make blending the photo's easier. Though it turns out that trying to select ...

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